OneCNCXR3 Tips on using the Interface M5

There are 2 movies of Tips on using the OneCNCXR3 user interface. Although it is very easy to use the OneCNCXR3 user interface these tips should help you become familiar even sooner than you think.

OneCNCXR3 Tips on the user interface movie (a)

OneCNCXR3 Tips on the user interface movie (b)

OneCNCXR3 Tips using CAM part 1, 2, 3

There are 3 separate 2.5 D parts here to set you going with this type of work. These are parts drawn in previous exercises in introduction to CAD geometry.

Here is part 1 (a)

Here is part 1 (b)

Here is part 2 (a)

Here is part 2 (b)

Here is part 3(a)

Here is part 3(b